Wednesday 27 August 2014

Pwani Vina presents...

Mombasa underground artists now have a platform to showcase what they have to offer to their fans when the Pwani Vina event takes place this weekend on 30th August at the Big Tree Beach hotel in Mombasa.
The show starts from 8pm and will feature break dancers, rappers, graffiti artists, spoken word poets among others. To all hiphop fans in the coast make sure you don't miss this.
The event is dubbed as the Hiphop Hookup Mombasa Edition.

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Hiphop Hookup August edition

The August edition of Hiphop Hookup goes down this Saturday the 9th of August at the Sarakasi Dome in Nairobi from 2pm till 6pm.
Among the performers will be Ace the Don, Bilari, Cashy, Dandora Music, Oksyde, Poppa Don, Republikanz, T-Jay, Freestyle Skaters and B-Boyz.!
On the wheels of steel we will have the finest mixes from Dj Finalkut and Dj Wizzy. Your hosts for the day will be Smallz Lethal and Nafsi Huru. Entry is only 100 bob so be there and celebrate the best of Kenya's underground hiphop.